General Administration 

  • Mailbox follow-up
  • Agenda management
  • Drawing up general terms and conditions of sale
  • Apply for payment plans/permits
  • Sector-specific administration and guidance (catering, construction companies etc)
  • Insurance applications/registration…

As an entrepreneur you do not always have the time or even the energie to do your administration. It often stays there for too long and before you know it it becomes an impossible task. Hiring an employee is not always easy and the costs can quickly add up. In addition, an administration has a range of different expertise, expertise that not every employee fully masters.

A+ Consulting takes away all these concerns, we look at your specific needs and support you where necessary. We are also specialized in sector-specific administrations such as the catering and construction sectors. This includes applying for a cash register, insurance, permits and much more.

The only thing you have to do as an entrepreneur is to focus on what really important is, and that is your core business!

Contact us for a no-obligation consultation and receive a tailor-made offer.

Financial Support

  • Billing
  • Debtor management up to and including bailiffs
  • Scanning and digitizing your invoices
  • Help and guidance in keeping track of your cash and daily receipts book
  • Implement digital packages
  • Preparation of your administration up to your Accountant…

A+ Consulting is not an accounting office, but an administration office. We ensure you that your complete internal accounting reaches your accountant in a timely and orderly manner. Thanks to our years of experience with various accounting programs and pre-accounting software we can easily help you with your internal accounting or even take care of it completely. For example your invoicing or digitizing your invoices. Nothing is too much for us.

Troubled by unpaid invoices and no time for your accounts receivable management? A+ Consulting relieves you of this time-consuming task. If we are unable to collect your invoices then they will be forwarded to a bailiff with your approval.

We always recommend that you have a good general terms and conditions of sale, if you do not have this then we can then have it custom-made.

HR, Payroll & Legal

  • Application for work permits for non-EU members.
  • Applying for and starting up companies for non-EU members.
  • Social secretariat connections/follow-up
  • Payroll entry and payroll follow-up
  • Drawing up employment contracts and resignation letters
  • Drawing up work regulations

How do you start hiring staff? What do you have to put in order? These are all matters that are not only time-consuming but also require a lot of follow-up.

A+ Consulting is your solution. You can contact us with all your HR and Payroll matters, such as employment contracts, drawing up work regulations, keeping track of days off, all things that you as an entrepreneur no longer have to think about.